





Riverwalk is a sponsored 5km walk being held in various locations to raise funds for children and adults with brain injury and developmental disability.

Online Fundraising Registration & Information

Please submit supporting budget. Refer to Self Directed Funds Policy and Budget Template

E.g., Please donate so I can join in the fun with a sit to stand wheelchair

Eg Hi I'm Joe. I'm 10 years old and I have Cerebral Palsy. I want to join in the fun and be a part of my community. That's why my family and team are fundraising for my sit to stand wheelchair which will mean I will be more independent at school and when I go to other places I love like the museum. I also need to do lots of exercises with my therapists to keep me strong and healthy.

E.g. Please donate online or be a part of our fundraising team. Join our Facebook <include link> or call Mary of <add number>

You can provide further details here about your journey. If you have a Facebook page or website, donors will be able to learn more or keep up to date through those channels also, so keep it brief and up to date.

You can give me information on your vision and needs here to keep donors informed.

Eg Donate and receive a tax deductivle receipt. Send this page to your networks. Join our Riverwalk fundraising team.

Add your preferred sign off eg Thank you for your Support, Jack, Mary and Joe

Add a phone number or email address plus repeat your social media links

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